Towards the Climax: Churchill Speech

Towards the Climax: Churchill Speech

$400 – Woods A98b, Cohen A191.1
One of a series of pamphlets published by the British Legation in Switzerland. This pamphlet publishes the text of Churchill’s speech on the war to the House of Commons on 22 February 1944…

Allies and Partners: Churchill Speech

Allies and Partners: Churchill Speech

$300 – Woods A93d, Cohen A181.2
One of a series of pamphlets published by the British Legation in Switzerland. This pamphlet publishes the text of the speech delivered in the House of Commons by Right Hon. Winston S. Churchill before the United States Congress on Wednesday, May 19th, 1943…

The War Transformed: Churchill Speech

The War Transformed: Churchill Speech

$400 – Cohen A187
One of a series of pamphlets published by the British Legation in Switzerland. This pamphlet publishes the text of Churchill’s speech on the war to the House of Commons on 21 September 1943…

An Open Letter to Winston Churchill

An Open Letter to Winston Churchill

An Open Letter to Winston Churchill And Other Letters To My Fellow-Countrymen. A 24-page religious pamphlet with blue and red card covers by Rev. David Kyles…

Freedom’s Cause: Address by Churchill

Freedom’s Cause: Address by Churchill

$300 – Woods A73, Cohen A148
Freedom’s Cause, an Address by The Prime Minister Mr. Winston Churchill June 12, 1941, together with the Text of the Allied Resolution. 1941. One in a series of similar speech pamphlets published by the British Library of Information in New York.

The Drama of Eight Days

The Drama of Eight Days

$250 – Cohen D44/1
“How war was waged on Ireland with an economy of English Lives” As related by General Sir Neville Macready, Mr. Winston Churchill, and Mr. Lloyd George…

A United Europe: One Way to Stop a New War

A United Europe: One Way to Stop a New War

$250 – Woods A117, Cohen A231
This pamphlet publishes the text of Churchill’s article ‘The Highroad of the Future’ which appeared in Collier’s magazine of 4th Jan. 1947.

The First Honorary Freedom of the City: Winston Churchill

The First Honorary Freedom of the City: Winston Churchill

$350 – Woods D(b) 67, Cohen A222
Churchill Receives the Freedom of City of Westminster. On 7th May 1946, Churchill was named the first honorary freeman of the City of Westminster and this is the programme given to the attendees…

Planning The New World: Churchill Speech

Planning The New World: Churchill Speech

$300 – Not in Woods, Cohen A197
One of a series of pamphlets published by the British Legation in Switzerland. This pamphlet publishes the text of two speeches: Winston Churchill speech of February 27th 1945 & Anthony Eden speech of February 28th 1945…

Our Whole People and Empire…. Churchill Speech

Our Whole People and Empire…. Churchill Speech

$350 – Not in Woods, Cohen A132.2
Our Whole People and Empire Have Vowed Themselves to the Task of Cleansing Europe of the Nazi Pestilence. Speech by Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill. Broadcast over the B.B.C. in English and French, October 21, 1940

Britain’s Strength: Churchill Speech

Britain’s Strength: Churchill Speech

$500 – Woods A60b, Cohen A131.2
Speech by the Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill, in the House of Commons, August 20th, 1940. British Library of Information edition, only printing (1940). 8pp.

Churchill – A Life

Churchill – A Life

Martin Gilbert’s brief biography on Churchill. Folio Society. Fine set, as new, in original shrink wrap.

A Speech by The Prime Minister

A Speech by The Prime Minister

$250 – Woods A55c, Cohen A124.4
A 1971 (Woods says 1972 but is incorrect) reprint  of Winston Churchill’s speech of June 4, 1940. A special copy, extra fine condition, comes with an exchange of letters between the publisher and Dalton Newfield, the original specialist Churchill dealer, asking about quantity prices.

Marlborough: Folio Society

Marlborough: Folio Society

$450 – ICS A40h
Marlborough, His Life and Times by Winston Churchill. The usual high standard of The Folio Society – heavy dark red buckram, blocked with a decorative design in gold, top edges stained, printed on high quality Hebrides laid paper, completey reset in Ehrardt typeface. New illustrations including color frontis.

Mr. Churchill Pays Tribute To The Liberal Party

Mr. Churchill Pays Tribute To The Liberal Party

$750 – Woods A96b, Cohen A209
Single sheet 128 x 190 mm. Woods incorrectly ties this to A96a stating that is an excerpt from the 1943 speech, when in fact it is text from 1939. Cohen dates it as 1945 with a question mark. This also differs in size from both printings mentioned in Cohen.

We Cannot Treat with Bolshevism

We Cannot Treat with Bolshevism

$300 – Cohen A138
A scarce wartime propaganda leaflet. It relates to Churchill’s wartime alliance with Stalin and the Soviet Union. 1 page of Churchill Quotes. A fine copy, rarely seen in this condition.

Spain: The Moral Touchstone of Europe

Spain: The Moral Touchstone of Europe

A truly rare pamphlet highly critical of Churchill’s speech in the House on 24th May 1944. 20 pages, in yellow wraps printed magenta and black in the style of the Gollancz dust wrappers…

This Country Needs A New Parliament

This Country Needs A New Parliament

$400 – Woods A121, Cohen A236
Speech by Sir Winson Churchill, 1948. Pamphlet, 12 pages plus paper covers, publishes Churchill’s speech of 21st April 1948 to the conference of the Central Women’s Advisory Committee…