A True People’s Party: Churchill Speech

A True People’s Party: Churchill Speech

$240 – Woods A108, Cohen A217
Winston Churchill’s Speech to the Central Council of the National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations, 28th November 1945. Photo of Churchill on cover. A nice copy…

Bearing the Burden: Churchill Speech

Bearing the Burden: Churchill Speech

$400 – Not in Woods, Cohen A197
One of a series of pamphlets published by the British Legation in Switzerland. This pamphlet publishes Churchill’s speech reviewing the War Situation to the House of Commons on 18 January 1945.

Victory in Europe: Churchill Speeches

Victory in Europe: Churchill Speeches

$400 – Woods Db63, Cohen A206
One of a series of pamphlets published by the British Legation in Switzerland. This pamphlet publishes Churchill’s victory speeches on May 8 and 13, 1945 and the Kings speech on May 8th.

The Tide of Triumph: Churchill Speech

The Tide of Triumph: Churchill Speech

$400 – Woods A100, Cohen A196.1
One of a series of pamphlets published by the British Legation in Switzerland. This pamphlet publishes the text of Churchill’s speech on the war situation to the House of Commons on 28 September 1944. Clean tight copy of a scarce pamphlet…

The Hour of Decision: Churchill Speech

The Hour of Decision: Churchill Speech

$400 – Not in Woods, Cohen A195
One of a series of pamphlets published by the British Legation in Switzerland. This pamphlet publishes the text of Churchill’s speech on the war to the House of Commons on 2 August 1944…

Towards the Climax: Churchill Speech

Towards the Climax: Churchill Speech

$400 – Woods A98b, Cohen A191.1
One of a series of pamphlets published by the British Legation in Switzerland. This pamphlet publishes the text of Churchill’s speech on the war to the House of Commons on 22 February 1944…

Allies and Partners: Churchill Speech

Allies and Partners: Churchill Speech

$300 – Woods A93d, Cohen A181.2
One of a series of pamphlets published by the British Legation in Switzerland. This pamphlet publishes the text of the speech delivered in the House of Commons by Right Hon. Winston S. Churchill before the United States Congress on Wednesday, May 19th, 1943…

The War Transformed: Churchill Speech

The War Transformed: Churchill Speech

$400 – Cohen A187
One of a series of pamphlets published by the British Legation in Switzerland. This pamphlet publishes the text of Churchill’s speech on the war to the House of Commons on 21 September 1943…

Freedom’s Cause: Address by Churchill

Freedom’s Cause: Address by Churchill

$300 – Woods A73, Cohen A148
Freedom’s Cause, an Address by The Prime Minister Mr. Winston Churchill June 12, 1941, together with the Text of the Allied Resolution. 1941. One in a series of similar speech pamphlets published by the British Library of Information in New York.

The Drama of Eight Days

The Drama of Eight Days

$250 – Cohen D44/1
“How war was waged on Ireland with an economy of English Lives” As related by General Sir Neville Macready, Mr. Winston Churchill, and Mr. Lloyd George…

A United Europe: One Way to Stop a New War

A United Europe: One Way to Stop a New War

$250 – Woods A117, Cohen A231
This pamphlet publishes the text of Churchill’s article ‘The Highroad of the Future’ which appeared in Collier’s magazine of 4th Jan. 1947.

A Speech by The Prime Minister

A Speech by The Prime Minister

$250 – Woods A55c, Cohen A124.4
A 1971 (Woods says 1972 but is incorrect) reprint  of Winston Churchill’s speech of June 4, 1940. A special copy, extra fine condition, comes with an exchange of letters between the publisher and Dalton Newfield, the original specialist Churchill dealer, asking about quantity prices.

Sinews of Peace

Sinews of Peace

$1,600 – Post war speeches by Winston Churchill
A fine copy in the publisher’s special presentation binding of dark blue pebble grain morocco. Scarce in this binding. 1948. First English Edition.

Exchange of Letters: Churchill, De Gaulle

Exchange of Letters: Churchill, De Gaulle

$600 – Cohen A129, Cmd. 6220: 2 identical copies available
Exchange of Letters Between The Prime Minister and General De Gaulle Concerning the Organisation, Employment and Conditions of Service of the French Volunteer Force. HMSO Pamphlet. English text on left page, with French translation on the opposite page.

Europe Unite

Europe Unite

$400 – Woods/ICS A128(a),
 Cohen A246.1, Langworth p.296
First Edition, Rebound. A very good copy of the first edition containing 52 Churchill speeches delivered between 31 January 1947 and 10 December 1948.

Churchill Speech: A Survey of the War, 1941

Churchill Speech: A Survey of the War, 1941

$750 – Woods A67/1, Cohen A143.4
Winston Churchill Speech: A Survey of the War, by Winston Churchill in morocco book like solander case and a card chemise. Broadcast February 9th 1941…

Churchill Speech: Navy Estimates

Churchill Speech: Navy Estimates

$1,150 – Woods A51, Cohen A117
Navy Estimates: Statement by the Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill Churchill (as First Lord of the Admiralty) in the House of Commons on the 27th February, 1940, in custom-made solander case…