$400 – Woods A121, Cohen A236
Speech by Sir Winson Churchill, 1948. Pamphlet, 12 pages plus paper covers, publishes Churchill’s speech of 21st April 1948 to the conference of the Central Women’s Advisory Committee…
$1200 – Woods A87, Cohen A167
Churchill’s Address to THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY, Hamilton, Bermuda. January 15th, 1942. Truly scarce, the only one I have seen. 4-page pamphlet…
$1200 – Cohen A225.1, Cohen A225.5
The Sinews of Peace – A Collection of 6 Pamphlets from Mary Soames’ library, housed in an elegant, custom-made solander case.
$3,000 – Cohen D20
A Fine copy of an extremely scarce Churchill Speech pamphlet: Churchill’s speech of April 13th 1910 held at Caxton Hall, Westminster.
$450 – Woods A36, Cohen A90
The Romanes Lecture for 1930, delivered by Winston Churchill on 19 June 1930 in the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford. In a card chemise with printed title label and further protected in a custom made ¾ navy blue Morocco book like solander case.
$200 – Portuguese translation of Churchill Speech: Cohen A45 / Woods A24
A Direccao das Operacoes de Guerra No Mar – The Directorate of War Operations at Sea. Pamphlet is in Portuguese. Contains Churchill’s speech of 15 Feb 1915, plus Asquith’s speech of 1 March 1915.
$200 – Woods D(b)53/1, Cohen D80
Winston Churchill’s 16 June 1941 wartime broadcast address to the University of Rochester upon receiving an honorary degree by the University. It was the first time a degree had been bestowed upon Mr. Churchill by an American University.
$450 – Woods A70 α70
Political Warfare Executive Leaflet printed in German. These leaflets were dropped on Germany between 26th June and 18th July 1941 by the British. Contains extracts of Winston Churchill’s speech on 22nd June, 1941.
$175 – Woods A68, Cohen A144
1941 Speech by The Prime Minister, Mr. Winston Churchill: To the Pilgrim Society
$75 – Cohen D107
36 page pamphlet with articles about Tito and his Partisans by Winston Churchill, Sgt. W. Bernstein, Frank Gervasi, Stoyan Pribichevich, Lt.-Gen. Milovan, and Louis Adamic.
$600 – Cohen A129, Cmd. 6220: 2 identical copies available
Exchange of Letters Between The Prime Minister and General De Gaulle Concerning the Organisation, Employment and Conditions of Service of the French Volunteer Force. HMSO Pamphlet. English text on left page, with French translation on the opposite page.
$200 – Woods Db41, Cohen D51
Extracts from Speeches by the Prime Minister and Mr. Winston Churchill, House of Commons, May 3rd, 1926.
$300 – Zoller B89a
First Edition. MacMillan 1933. Winston Churchill featured: ‘Mr. Churchill on the War’ & ‘Mr. Churchill on the Peace’. A review of Trotsky’s ‘Where is England Going?’, Lloyd George, Edwin Montagu.
$150 – Woods Db44/2, Cohen D62
Monetary Policy – Extracts from Speeches on the Budget Debate: 20th & 21st April, 1932. The Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill, M.P. The Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Horn, M.P. The Rt. Hon. L. S. Amery M.P. HMSO, 12 page pamphlet in self-wrappers.
$400 – Woods/ICS A128(a),
Cohen A246.1, Langworth p.296
First Edition, Rebound. A very good copy of the first edition containing 52 Churchill speeches delivered between 31 January 1947 and 10 December 1948.
$1,250 – Woods A89/I, Cohen A177
First and only printing of this scarce speech pamphlet. Only 400 copies printed. It contains Churchill’s speech to Parliament on 11th Nov. 1942 discussing the War Situation…
$750 – Woods A67/1, Cohen A143.4
Winston Churchill Speech: A Survey of the War, by Winston Churchill in morocco book like solander case and a card chemise. Broadcast February 9th 1941…
A very scarce pamphlet. Churchill Speech broadcast Nov 12 1939, reprinted Nov 16 1939 before he was P.M…
$1,150 – Woods A51, Cohen A117
Navy Estimates: Statement by the Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill Churchill (as First Lord of the Admiralty) in the House of Commons on the 27th February, 1940, in custom-made solander case…
$1,000 – Cohen D77
Small Scarce Pamphlet: P. M. Churchill’s Address to the Italian People, Dec 23rd 1940, + Christmas Day Messages by King George VI and the Canadian P.M…