Their Finest Hour

Their Finest Hour

$150 – First Edition, Franklin Library
Limited Edition of “The Greatest Books of the Twentieth Century”. Fine Copy of Churchill’s book from the Franklin Library. Leather Bound. Printed on archival paper all edges gilt. The end sheets are moire fabric with a matching silk ribbon page marker.

Wartime Silk Square: Winston Churchill

Wartime Silk Square: Winston Churchill

$95 – Smith p77
A printed silk square, certainly from the Second World War. Measures approx. 12.5″ x 12.5″. Pale yellow field, color portrait of Winston Churchill in center, edged by historic WWII images such as H. M. S. “Exeter”, Blenheim Bomber, Hurricane Fighter, Anti- Aircraft Gunners…

By Ships Alone: Churchill and the Dardanelles

By Ships Alone: Churchill and the Dardanelles

$140 – Redburn 367, Zoller 45
Author: Wallin, Jeffrey D. Carolina Academic Press, Durham, 1981. A scarce title from an academic press on this critical period in Churchill’s life.

A Direccao das Operacoes de Guerra No Mar

A Direccao das Operacoes de Guerra No Mar

$200 – Portuguese translation of Churchill Speech: Cohen A45 / Woods A24
A Direccao das Operacoes de Guerra No Mar – The Directorate of War Operations at Sea. Pamphlet is in Portuguese. Contains Churchill’s speech of 15 Feb 1915, plus Asquith’s speech of 1 March 1915.

Maxims And Reflections: Signed by Churchill

Maxims And Reflections: Signed by Churchill

$3,500 – Signed by Winston Churchill. Woods D(a)15, Zoller A122
Signed and dated by Churchill in 1948, from the collection of actor Jack Palance with his bookplate loosely inserted.

Maxims And Reflections

Maxims And Reflections

$150 – Inscribed by Sarah Churchill. Woods D(a)15, Zoller A122
Maxims and Reflections of the Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill. Arranged and provided with an introduction by Colin Coote and selected by him in collaboration with Denzil Batchelor.

The 500 Best English Letters

The 500 Best English Letters

Fascinating collection of letters selected by Churchill’s great friend, 1st Earl of Birkenhead. Included in the collection of letters is the letter from Churchill to the American author Winston Churchill.

The Empty Spaces

The Empty Spaces

A small book of poems by Churchill’s daughter Sarah, privately printed. A near fine copy in card covers as issued.

Order of the Oaken Crown

Order of the Oaken Crown

Luxembourg: Grand Cross, The Order of the Oaken Crown. Winston Churchill was awarded this Order in 1946 for the decisive part he played in the defeat of Nazi Germany… Complete with the breast star and the badge, a Maltese Cross of gold with white enameled arms. In original case…

La Deuxième Guerre Mondiale

La Deuxième Guerre Mondiale

The Second World War in French. Paris: Libraire Plon, Paris, 1948–53. First French Editions. 6 volumes made into 12 – the complete set. Printed on good quality paper, no doubt produced to be bound.

The Cigar In Art

The Cigar In Art

$150 – From Mary Soames’ Library
According to the loosely laid in letter to Mary Soames from John Taylor Book Ventures, the Research and Project Management team for this book, Soames had hoped for a particular painting to be included, but it was not; however there are two Churchill entries on pages 95 & 97.

Julius Caesar by Winston Churchill: STRAND Mag.

Julius Caesar by Winston Churchill: STRAND Mag.

$85 – Woods C223, Cohen C410
Shakespeare’s Plays as Short Stories No. 2: Julius Caesar. STRAND Magazine, November 1933. 10 page article by Winston Churchill, illustrated by Fortunino Matania. Also included is a very interesting article by Claude F. Luke: The Early Days of the Imperial War Museum. Excellent Condition…

Forward from Victory, Speeches and Addresses: Montgomery

Forward from Victory, Speeches and Addresses: Montgomery

$500 – Woods B42, Cohen B108. Inscribed by the Author: F. M. Montgomery
Signed presentation copy of Montgomery’s Speeches and Addresses. Inscribed to the renowned historian Arthur Bryant. With a Foreword by Winston Churchill

The Truth About Myself by Winston Churchill: STRAND Mag.

The Truth About Myself by Winston Churchill: STRAND Mag.

$125 – Woods C285
STRAND Magazine from 1936 with Winston Churchill on the front cover in color. Inside a 10 page illustrated article by Churchill. Also features Rudyard Kipling’s 14 page story illustrated in color: TEEM – A Treasure Hunter.