Malakand Field Force: 1st Edn

Malakand Field Force: 1st Edn

$8,500 – Woods A1 (a), Cohen A1.1.a
Malakand Field Force, Churchill’s First Published Book. First Edition in full dark green morocco book-like clam-shell box with raised bands and gilt titling to the spine. Excellent Condition

INDIA by Churchill: 1st Edn, 1st Imp

INDIA by Churchill: 1st Edn, 1st Imp

$1,600 – Woods/ICS A38.(a.2), Cohen A92.1.c, Langworth P 150
First edition, 1st Impression. Softcover. Thornton Butterworth, London, 1931. First published in both orange wraps and orange cloth, the wraps edition is the one usually seen.

Arms and the Covenant – Signed by Churchill

Arms and the Covenant – Signed by Churchill

$14,000 – Inscribed & Signed by Winston Churchill. Woods/ICS A44, Cohen A107.3
1st Edition in pale blue dust-jacket. This book is special in that it is inscribed by Winston Churchill & Randolph Churchill…